Sunday, February 28, 2016

How to Stop Psychic Trespass & Energy Drain

If you want to protect yourself, your body, your family, and your home, from all sources of psychic trespass and energy drain, you must stop trespassing; which can only be done by making all of your decisions, and taking all of your actions, as directed by God within you through Receivership. Rituals alone won't do it.
The more Receivership you do, the more karmically correct decisions you make, and the less trespass energy you put out. The less trespass energy you put out, the more sealed off from discarnate spirit influence and all lesser gods you will become—which will make you and yours much safer and happier over time.
God’s Protection from all forms of trespass and energy drain is God’s Direction through Receivership—telling you what to do and not do; where to go and not go; who to trust and not trust, at a given time and in general. With God as your "life-coach," always there and available within you, you can't go wrong for long.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Love Yourself for Your Effort, Not Your Results

You can't drop 60 pounds in 60 minutes. You can't become a champion golfer on your first day with a club in your hands. And you can't master a life-long anger problem in your first 30 minute meditation.
Urgency never helped anyone master anything; neither has passivity. The trick is to apply the perfect balance and timing in every situation—which only God within you can and will guide you into doing—through your Receivership.
Positive change takes time. Permanent positive change requires a commitment to replacement habits that you schedule and practice; or the old ones will keep coming back whenever you're not paying attention.
Once you have the right guidance (through research, study, and Receivership), schedule and set "can't-miss" reminders to apply those replacement habits—so they actually have a real chance to become habits.
If you don't schedule it, set reminders, and practice it, you don't really want to do it—and you won't get better at it. God does not require perfection, just effort in the right direction. The only failure is you giving up on you. God never does.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

I Will Love You Forever or Until God Says Stop

If a successful spiritual life is one in which you balance learning and growth, service and work, and socializing, entertainment and pleasure, God would only choose a romantic partner ("soul-mate") for you that has a lot in common with you in all those areas. After all, the more common ground, the stronger the relationship is likely to be over time.
But you can make yourself into a Divine Partner, and your present romantic partner into a "soul-mate," by relating as directed by God within you from now on. In this way, you receive God's Help to keep the relationship going in all the right directions, which God always wants to help you do—but only for as long as there is no karmic reason to end it.
Karmic reasons for God wanting you to end a romantic relationship, with a perceived "soul-mate" or not, include: growing incompatibility, personality changes, control issues, unfairness, cheating, addiction, abuse—and at times even positive changes—like one or both of you mastering having made the other a lesser god in the past.

Monday, February 8, 2016

You Can't Beat Yourself Up and Win

God is a Loving Parent and Teacher, not an angry task master. God wants you to treat yourself as you would a child or grandchild that you adore—with care, encouragement, emotional support, realistic assessment, and loving guidance.

The best way to get yourself to do better in any area of life is to always be open to learning, growing, taking advice, and changing as so directed by God within you, whether the guidance comes from God within through your Receivership, or through those God directs you to go to for help (checked by Receivership).
But getting all the right information is only the first step. Without organized, scheduled, consistent, habitual application—becoming permanently better at anything, spiritually or materially, will be unlikely—especially in the long run.