Monday, January 25, 2016

How to Cut the Right Boundaries in All You Do

Care, but don't overcare. The only way to know how much slack to cut yourself and others is through Receivership from God within you. Sometimes automatic patience can create co-dependency; and sometimes automatic impatience can cut someone off just when they're about to make a breakthrough.
There's a fine-line between careful and too careful, and between planning and procrastination. Just as you can use Repetitive Negation to find out whether a particular feeling is from God or a lesser god, you can use it to find out if you're avoiding or just waiting for the right impress from God within you.
Double-checking through Repetitive Negation when on the go, and through Receivership when at home, insures that you're always kind and never cruel to yourself or others, and thus always karmically correct in all that you say and do.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

How Best to Manage Strong Emotional Pushes

The Keys to Reality teaches that strong feelings experienced during daily life on the go, whether positive or negative, and whether pushing you towards or away from a particular situation or relationship, should be double checked through Repetitive Negation before being acted upon.
To do so, you simply declare that if the push is coming from God, that God strengthens it; and if from a lesser god, that God removes it. This process can be combined with a specific Receivership when you're home to clarify what you're feeling, and what, if anything, to do about it, at the time and over time.
Repetitive Negation is especially effective when using it to resist yelling at your boss (or your kids) during a stressful situation. You simply declare, "Stop. Time Out. I don't need to feel this way. I can handle this situation better later, when I am calm and centered." Try it before you head for the door or the Haagen-Dazs.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

God is a Loving, Interested Parent and Teacher

If God wants us to be the best people we can be, and we should "ask so we may receive," then God wants us to help ourselves become better—by asking God for help—step by step through Receivership—before making choices and decisions.
After all, no one becomes a better person simply by getting their material needs met. It is learning, growth, service, and socializing as directed by God within you that is required for your overall spiritual mastery and practical self-improvement over time.

Friday, January 1, 2016

Freedom from Family of Origin Problems

You don't have to be best-buddies or confidantes with those who have had the tendency to be unconscious or unfair around you—whether family, friend, foe, co-worker, or boss. You just have to stop being negative about their negativity.
When you do, you will no longer be attached to their past or present words and actions—and will thus become able to stop carrying them and their energy and influences around with you—which you have been all this time.