Sunday, December 20, 2015

Be a Patient, Loving Divine Parent to Yourself

There is a fine line between passivity and urgency, between waiting for the right time and procrastinating, between doing all you can and obsessing about it, and between being realistic and making excuses for your avoidance.
Only God knows where those lines are for each of us in every situation. That is why learning and using your Receivership is so important—for spiritual growth, material success, and managing relationships—especially the one with yourself.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Desire is good. Without desire, there would be no creation, not our's, and not God's. It is only when getting what you want becomes a need and a demand... that it becomes a lesser god... and a cause for negative words and actions.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Better to Be with No One... than the Wrong One

If you don't ask God to guide you into, and if necessary out of, your romantic relationships, you may be committed to the wrong person just when the right one comes along.
Chasing or holding onto someone for the wrong reason(s) helps no one in the long run... not you, not them, not your children. Make your masteries and you will attract better from the Universe.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Turn Your Observations into Prayers

Turn the other cheek doesn't mean to leave that cheek unguarded so that it can be easily slapped again. It means that you should never automatically respond to negativity with negativity. But, God does sometimes prescribe self-defense.
The golden rule is not "do unto others as they do unto you." Rather, it is "do unto others as God would have you do." Receivership directed prayers and actions are always more constructive than reactive or over-reactive behaviors.

Turn Your Observations into Prayers

Sunday, November 15, 2015

That Which You Do Unto the Lowliest Creature

The truly enlightened carry goodwill for all because they know that we are all one; and that your karma can come back at any time, through anyone, not just through those you are helping or hurting in this life.
To carry goodwill for all, you must always strive to do as directed by God within you through Receivership—for all; and do so with patience, flexibility, and non-judgmentalness—no matter what.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Is It God or Lesser God?

Is it God or Lesser God?

Anyone who triggers an automatic positive or negative reaction in you is your lesser god; and you will always carry them, and all that influences them, until you stop being automatic—about and around them.
Is it God or Lesser God?

Sunday, November 1, 2015

I Love Myself the Way that I Am

I Love Myself the Way that I Am

You can’t fail if you don’t give up. You can’t feel rejected—if you don’t reject yourself. If you never stop learning and growing (as directed by God within), you cannot help but get to where you want to be—and should be—eventually.